WaihonaPedia support page


 Welcome Keys=English
=Welcome form (Sheet and where possible Mail)
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.formTitle_2=, let's get to know each other better...
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.formIntro=Can you help us complete your registration by providing some additional information?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.related_person=I am related to or caring for someone with a rare disease.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.askPersonDetails=Details about your 'Waihona' (the person you care for and care about)
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.pws.first_name=First name
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.pws.date_birth=Date of birth
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.pws.relationship=What is your relationship to the person you care for?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.pws.aboutPersonSuggestion=In addition to the diagnosis, please describe here and what else you find relevant
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.WelcomeScreen.want_to_connect=I am open to connecting with others.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.WelcomeScreen.connected=I would consider joining a support group
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.looking_information=I have a question or offer my help/expertise.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.questions=How can we help, how can you help?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.supportingProfessional=I am a supporter (Friend, Doctor, Teacher, Caregiver, Researcher, Other)
waihonapedia.register.step0.registerBtn=Send your approval request
welcomescreen.warningmessage=The button above will become active if you have ticked at least one of the above options. Please take the time to answer these questions, we will always treat your information with the utmost care and discretion. As most of us are volunteers, it may take some time for us to approve your request, so please be patient.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.email=Email address
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.related_pws=I am family/carer of someone as the diagnosis indicates.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.related_pws.answer=Your relationship to this person
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.is.known.by.community.label=My desired community;
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.is.known.by.community.suggestion=Please provide the name of the group desired by YOU.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.allow.known.group.to.connect=The named group(s) may contact me!
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.not.known.by.community.text=Note that your request for approval for this website must be made by someone. We will forward your request to someone from our community (based on the country you live in and the language you speak). This person selected by us will contact you via email after you send this request!
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.header=Which community?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.intro=Participants participate within a community where you feel (or can start to feel) most at home
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.personal.header=Your motivation
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.personal.intro=Please tell us about your motivation for becoming a member.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.label=Which of our communities could YOU join?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.pick.community=Make your choice!
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.none=My desired community is not listed...
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.many=I feel connected to several
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.all=Ik feel connected to all of them
Waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.disease.label=Welke diagnosis do YOU find most relevant?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.disease.none=The condition for me is not listed...
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.finally.privacy=Our organisation takes your Privacy seriously. We do not want to send unwanted messages.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.community.single=On this website, You can log on to:
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.disease.single=On this website it is about the diagnosis:
 Welcome Mail new User=...
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailMember_1=We have received your request for approval in excellent order, you will find a copy of your details in this e-mail. If anything is incorrect, you can correct it later in your profile on the website.<br />We will do our best to review your request as soon as possible.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailMember_2=Your message is below
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.contactInformation=Contacts details
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.p3=We wish you much wisdom and prosperity on your journey and always remember: You are not alone!
waihonapedia.welcome.email.content.body.closure=Kind regards,
waihonapedia.welcome.email.content.body.signature=Your chosen community:
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.allow.collaboration.group.to.connect=I hereby consent to emails being sent to me in accordance with privacy laws.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.known.at.community.1=The community
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.known.at.community.2=serves my needs best
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.unknown.at.community=As the community; {0} is not yet available I agree to join <strong>{1}</strong> for the time being.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.selected.community=The most appropriate community; {0}
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.disease.selected.none=The condition I am interested in was not listed!
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.disease.selected.many=I am involved in several conditions
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.disease.selected.all=I am involved in all conditions
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.gdpr1=This message is confidential and is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to destroy it and notify the sender immediately. The use of the information by unauthorised persons is prohibited.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.gdpr2=The information contained in this e-mail is for information purposes only.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.privacy=Our organisation takes the protection of personal data seriously. For more information on our privacy policy and your rights regarding your personal data, please visit our website
=Welcoming Mail Moderator, will also use above
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_1=We have received a registration for the {0} on WaihonaPedia.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_2=Can you approve the participation of {0} on our platform?
=Welcome form , After sending
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.confirmTitle=Thank you for sending your approval request!
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.confirmMsg=Our volunteers have now received your approval request, but as volunteers, it may take some time for us to review this request.
=Welcome form , After submit, login again but not yet approved
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.awaitingApprovalTitle=Sorry to keep you waiting
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.awaitingApproval=You have sent the required information but we have not yet found time to approve your registration, please be patient....
 Depricated (for now)=...
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.h1=The beginning of a journey...
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.li1=1. Shared stories
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.li2=2. Validated information
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.li3=3. Questions and answers
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.li4=4. Shared data
waihonapedia.welcome.email.journey.li5_1=5. Self-learning
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.is.known.by.community=Are you linked to a community around your condition (check if so, see the list at the bottom of this screen )?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.not.known.by.community=Are you not yet affiliated with any of our communities? (tick if you think this is true)?
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.is.known.by.community.text=Please note that your request for approval for this website must be made by
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.allow.national.group.to.connect=I hereby allow the group in my country, or a representative for this group on this website, to send me e-mail!
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.contact.by.community=The community; <strong>{0}</strong> may contact me:
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.not.known.at.community=I am not yet connected to any of your communities
wai.welcome.approved=Thank you, our approval team has recognised your genuine interest! Welcome and we hope this website will help you with your goals!
waihonapedia.core.profile.ModeratorInvitedTable.supportgroup=Invite New Users
welcome.after.your.registration=Request for approval
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_3=You do this by sending a message of approval to Team WaihonaPedia
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_4=Your response is essential for a timely response to {0}'s request.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_5=Below is the information {0} has submitted
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_6=Thank you very much for your valuable help and involvement.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_7=Kind regards,
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailOperator_8=Team {0}
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.registration.username=You have registered with us using the username
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.registration.disease=The condition
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.other.information=Other information
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.unknown.at.community.txt=As the community; {0} is not yet available I agree to join {1} for the time being.
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.contact.by.community.txt=The community; {0} may contact me:
waihonapedia.WelcomeScreen.mailMember_1.txt=We have received your request for approval in excellent order, you will find a copy of your details in this e-mail. If anything is incorrect, you can correct it later in your profile on the website. We will do our best to review your request as soon as possible.

About the website contents


All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

Send a email: wiki@waihonapedia.org