
What do we understand by 'Developmental delay'?

Across all domains including language (particularly comprehension), visual, spatial and social cognition. 

Developmental delay means that a child is taking longer to learn and do things compared to other kids their age. This includes things like talking, understanding what others say, learning about the world around them, and getting along with others.

A developmental assessment is a process used by doctors or specialists to evaluate a child's growth, learning, behavior, and skills. It helps to identify any areas where the child might need extra support or intervention to reach their full potential. These tests look at different areas like talking, understanding things they see, how they think about space, and how they get along with others.

In this context, "age-appropriate" means that the assessment is tailored to the child's age and developmental stage. It takes into account what is typical for children of that age in terms of their abilities, behaviors, and milestones. The assessment tools and methods used are designed to be suitable and relevant for the child's age group.


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