
Dental anomalies


Dental anomalies

Baby (Age: 0-1) Enrol patient in an individualised preventative oral healthcare programme from an early age. Routine follow up and regular dental examinations by a family dentist or local community dental services are essential. Follow guidance in ‘Delivering Better Oral Health: an evidenced-base tool kit for prevention
Childhood (Age: 2-11) Enrol patient in an individualised preventative oral healthcare programme from an early age. Routine follow up and regular dental examinations by a family dentist or local community dental services are essential. Follow guidance in ‘Delivering Better Oral Health: an evidenced-base tool kit for prevention’ ( Missing teeth/ malocclusion/prolonged retention of primary teeth and other dental anomalies: refer to a consultant or specialist in paediatric dentistry for multidisciplinary assessment and management. If cardiac anomalies exist, antibiotic prophylaxis may be advised for dental procedures – check with cardiologist.


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