The theme room concept

In order to increase or improve the knowledge on a certain topic there are multiple strategies;

  • Search for a expert
  • Involve families/ care takers/ patients that have lived through it; it might be good to have both 'beginners' as well as experienced involved.
  • Involve some people from outside to have a fresh opinion (maybe experts/families from other deceases.

We also learned that it is good to take a step-wise approach as opposed by a everlasting approach. This just means that there is a start and a end of a theme room; and at the end there must be a result!

The result is a improved description of a topic a treatment, or wider range of options. But it can also be a successful and valuable emotion sharing.

The process should be repeatable and tuned to the stakeholders; quality is more important as strict process. 

O zawartości strony


Wszystkie informacje zawarte na tej stronie służą wyłącznie celom edukacyjnym. Miejscem, w którym można uzyskać konkretne porady medyczne, diagnozy i leczenie jest lekarz. Korzystanie z tej strony odbywa się wyłącznie na własne ryzyko. Jeśli znajdziesz coś, co Twoim zdaniem wymaga korekty lub wyjaśnienia, proszę daj nam znać na: 

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