The theme room concept

In order to increase or improve the knowledge on a certain topic there are multiple strategies;

  • Search for a expert
  • Involve families/ care takers/ patients that have lived through it; it might be good to have both 'beginners' as well as experienced involved.
  • Involve some people from outside to have a fresh opinion (maybe experts/families from other deceases.

We also learned that it is good to take a step-wise approach as opposed by a everlasting approach. This just means that there is a start and a end of a theme room; and at the end there must be a result!

The result is a improved description of a topic a treatment, or wider range of options. But it can also be a successful and valuable emotion sharing.

The process should be repeatable and tuned to the stakeholders; quality is more important as strict process. 

Sobre el contenido del sitio web


Toda la información contenida en este sitio web tiene únicamente fines educativos. El lugar para obtener consejos médicos específicos, diagnósticos y tratamientos es su médico. El uso de este sitio es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo. Si encuentra algo que cree que necesita ser corregido o aclarado, por favor háganoslo saber en: 

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