Vraag het de Expert

3. Question & Answer
Knowledge about the conditions is never finished and each person is unique. Asking questions to the experts who have themselves developed knowledge is very important. Frequently asked questions can lead to new theory, which in turn can lead to improved knowledge. Each disease-community has its own network of medical and other specialists and often parents who have been dealing with the disease for a long time and have become experts in their field, even more so than the medical experts in some cases. By organising their own network, these communities can quickly send their questions to the right experts. These experts can then give their answers. These questions and answers can then be anonymised and published as asked questions and answers. In this way, the 'ask the expert' also has a library function. Someone can then see whether their question has already been asked if asking the question themselves is still too confrontational, for example. Or someone may want to look at what other people are asking to see what's going on in a topic you are interested in. 

Communities will also discover unmet needs; together with for example research: programs can be developed to do something about these unmet needs! And you might discover solutions that need to be communicated to the wider audience!

This module is [[fully operational and communities are in different phases of implementation and use.

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