Page d'assistance WaihonaPedia


WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l1=Is your child toilet-trained (i.e. does he/she defecate at the toilet with or without help of others, also if only during the day)?
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l2=If yes, at which part of the day is your child toilet-trained (you can give more than one answer):
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l2_1=during the day
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l2_2=during the night
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_d3=How old was your child (in months) when he/she became toilet-trained WITH help?
(Please only fill in the number of months in digits)
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_d4=How old was your child (in months) when he/she became toilet-trained WITHOUT help?(please only fill in the number of months in digits, and only fill in when your child is already toilet-trained without help)
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_t6=Are there any other details of which you think these are important? If so please provide details:
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l7=Is your child toilet-trained for urine (i.e. does he/she pee at the toilet with or without help from others, also if only during the day)?
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l8=During which moments is your child toilet-trained for urine (you can give more than one answer):
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l8_1=during the day
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_l8_2=during the night
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_d9=How old was your child (in months) when he/she became toilet-trained for urine WITH help? (Please only fill in the number of months in digits)
WaihonaCode.qtoClass_d10=How old was your child (in months) when he/she became toilet-trained for urine WITHOUT help?
(Please only fill in the number of months in digits, and only fill in when your child is already toilet-trained for without help)

WaihonaCode.qtoClass_t12=If there are any relevant details you would like to note, please do so below:

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