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WaihonaCode.qprClass_n1=What was the duration of the pregnancy in weeks?
WaihonaCode.qprClass.n1.rule.format.numeric=Sorry only whole number allowed. We expect this number to be in weeks.
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b2=Were any scans taken during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t3=If yes; in which hospital / midwife's practice were these scans made?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b4=If yes; did the scans show any abnormalities?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l5=If yes; which (you can give more than one answer)?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l5_1=the growth of the child was slow
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l5_2=the head was too small
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l5_3=the head was too big
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l5_4=abnormalities were observed on hands and/or feet
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l5_5=a heart defect was observed
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t5=Other, namely...
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b6=Did the mother have a high blood pressure during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_n7=From which week in pregnancy was the blood pressure too high?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b8=Did the doctor speak of a (impending) toxaemia of pregnancy (in medical terms: "pre-eclampsia")?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b9=Was the mother treated because of the high blood pressure?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l10=If so, which of the following treatments was given (you can give more than one answer):
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l10_1=a low-salt/saltless diet
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l10_2=bed rest
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l10_5=initiation of the birth of the child
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b11=Did the mother suffer from diabetes (mellitus) during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b12=If so, was she treated for the diabetes?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l13=If so, which of the following treatments was given (you can give more than one answer):
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l13_2=medication by mouth (tablets or mixture)
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l13_3=medication that had to be injected (insulin)
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b14=Did the mother suffer from other problems during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t15=If so, please provide details:
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b16=Did the mother use medications during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t17=If yes, please mention which and for which reason:
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b18=Did the mother consume alcohol during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_n19=If yes, please mention the average number of glasses a day:
WaihonaCode.qprClass.n19.rule.format.numeric=Sorry only whole number allowed. We expect this number to be the number of glasses.
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b20=Did the mother smoke during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_n21=If yes, please provide the average number of cigarettes a day:
WaihonaCode.qprClass.n21.rule.format.numeric=Sorry only whole number allowed. We expect this number to be the number of cigarettes.
WaihonaCode.qprClass_b22=Did the mother use addictive drugs during the pregnancy?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t23=If yes, please provide details:
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l24=Was one of the following tests performed during the pregnancy (you can give more than one answer)?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l24_1=NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test; by taking blood from the mother's arm)
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l24_2=chorionic villus sampling
WaihonaCode.qprClass_l24_4=none of the above
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t25= If a chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis was performed, what was the reason for this test?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t26=What was the result of this test/these tests?
WaihonaCode.qprClass_t27=Are there any other remarks about the pregnancy of the mother that we haven't asked but may be important?

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