Page d'assistance WaihonaPedia


# Class fields
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl001=How often do you or someone else recognize pain in your child?
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl001_1=Multiple times a day
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl001_2=At least one time each day
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl001_3=Multiple times a week, but not every day
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl001_4=Once a week
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl001_5=Less than once a week
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002=In what way is pain recognized in your child? (You can give multiple answers)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_1=When my child shows behaviour that deviates from normal
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_2=When my child stops their normal behaviour
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_3=When my child makes different sounds or stops making regular sounds
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_4=When my child refuses to do something (eating, drinking, being touched)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_5=When my child has a fever, starts sweating or shows another physical sign
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_6=When my child shows sadness, does not make eye contact or cries
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl002_7=In another way
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_T003= Please, describe as thorough as you can how you and others recognize pain in your child:
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_B004=Do you think your child might have pain that you or anyone else would not notice?
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl005=When would your child have pain that you or anyone else would not  notice? (You can give multiple answers)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl005_1=Mild pain
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl005_2=In certain circumstances (for example when nobody is around)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl005_3=Specific localized pain
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl005_4=Pain with a specific cause
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl005_5=Another circumstance
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_T006=Please describe below when or what pain is not  noticed in your child:
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl007=If you think your child has pain that is not  noticed, how often do you think this happens?
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl007_1=Multiple times a day
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl007_2=At least once a day
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl007_3=Multiple times a week, but not every day
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl007_4=Once a week
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl007_5=Less often than once a week
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl008=When you recognize pain in your child, do you know where the pain is located?
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl008_1=(Almost) never
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl008_3=Sometimes and sometimes not
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl008_4=Most of the times
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl008_5=(Almost) always
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009= When you know where the pain in your child is located, how do you see this? (You can give multiple answers)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009_1=My child stops moving the location with the pain
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009_2=My child keeps the painful location away from the rest of his/her body
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009_3=My child holds the painful location or keeps touching it
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009_4=My child hits the painful place
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009_5=My child can tell me (for example by pointing to it) where the pain is located
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl009_6=My child does something else to show me where the pain is located
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_t010= Please, describe as clear as possible how you recognize the location of the pain in your child:
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011=If your child experiences pain, what strategies do you undertake to ease the pain? (You can give multiple answers.)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011_1=Making calming or soothing sounds
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011_2=Making eye contact, making contact at a distance, coming closer
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011_3=Touching, stroking, making physical contact
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011_4=Distracting, for example with music, television or something else
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011_5=Giving pain relief medication
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl011_6=Something else
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_t012=Please, describe below as clear as possible, which strategies you use to ease pain in your child:
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013=When your child has pain, in which circumstances will you take him/her to visit a physician or other medical professional? (You can give multiple answers.)
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_1=When I notice the pain is severe
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_2=When I notice the pain lasts a long time
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_3=When I do not know what causes the pain
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_4=When my child has other physical symptoms besides the pain, such as a fever
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_5=When my child also shows behavioural changes
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_6=When my child self-mutilates because of the pain
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_7=For another reason
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_sl013_8=I will take my child to a physician anytime he/she has pain
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_t014=Please, describe as thorough as possible under which circumstances you will take your child to visit a physician or another medical professional:
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_t015=Would you like to add something else about pain in your child?
WaihonaCode.qp001Class_t016=Would you like to add something else about this questionnaire?

# Live table generic keys
qp001Class.livetable.doc.title=Page Title Name
qp001Class.livetable.doc.fullname=Page full name
qp001Class.livetable.doc.location=Location Author
qp001Class.livetable.doc.creationDate=Creation Date

# Live table specific keys

# Other keys

# Deprecated keys

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