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WaihonaCode.qbiClass.c4.rule.format.numeric=Sorry, we only accept a whole number in grams, no letters or decimals
WaihonaCode.qbiClass.c5.rule.format.numeric=Sorry, we only accept a whole number in centimeters, No letters or decimals
WaihonaCode.qbiClass.c6.rule.format.numeric=Sorry, we only accept a whole number in centimeters, No letters or decimals
WaihonaCode.qbiClass.c7.rule.format.numeric=Sorry, we only accept a whole number, according to the Apgar-score, No letters or decimals
WaihonaCode.qbiClass.c8.rule.format.numeric=Sorry, we only accept a whole number, according to the Apgar-score, No letters or decimals
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l1=Where was your child born?
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l1_1=At home
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l1_2=At the hospital
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_t1=Elsewhere, namely...
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l2=How did the process of being born go?
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l2_1=Spontaneously, with the head first
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l2_2=Spontaneously, in breech position (with bottom or legs first)
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l2_3=With a forceps
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l2_4=With a suction cup
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_l2_5=By C-section
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_t3=If so, please mention what the reason was for the C-section?
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_c4=Weight at the time of birth (please only fill in if you are reasonably sure about the weight)
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_c5=Length at the time of birth (please only fill in if you are reasonably sure about the length)
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_c6=Head circumference at the time of birth (please only fill in if you are reasonably sure about circumference of the head)
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_c7=Apgar score after one minute (please only fill in if you are reasonably sure)
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_c8=Apgar score after five minutes (please only fill in if you are reasonably sure)
WaihonaCode.qbiClass_t9=Are there any other remarks about your child's birth that we haven't asked but may be important?

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Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

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