
Language and communication

Language and communication

Children and adults with PTHS usually have problems with recalling words and language development. Most do not learn to speak. Just over a half will say single words before the age of 10, but many will have no speech at all their whole life (R34). Everyone with PTHS should be assessed for the best communication options to them (R35). 

Speech therapy including access to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) should be considered. 

Other areas to consider for input are special education services focussing on the development of life skills and help aimed at changing behaviour such as self-harming and anxiety (R36). 

Physiotherapy and occupational therapy are recommended for the development of motor coordination, with the goal that a child can carry out an intended movement like picking up a toy. 

When a child is being assessed for communication and language abilities all aspects including motor abilities should be taken into account.

Weitere Seiten mit demselben Thema finden Development, behavior and communication1

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