


Most children with PTHS are described as friendly and show lovable behaviours, but many will also pull hair, have temper tantrums, throwing their arms and legs out, and banging on or throwing or kicking objects. Half are described as having a smiley appearance. 

Self-harming such as pinching, pressing, and hitting themselves is seen, as well as problems connecting with others. Other behaviours are anxiety, distress, repetitive actions, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

Problems in filtering and processing sensory input like bright lights increase the risk of under- or overstimulation and can lead to inappropriate behaviours eg head shaking. However, there is evidence that some children’s mood is improved by music as they enjoy it. Children and adults with PTHS need a sensory processing assessment to help work out what to avoid or to introduce to prevent under- and/or overstimulation (R37).

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Paul Mulder

Orthopedagoog & promovendus bij Autisme Team Noord-Nederland, Jonx/Lentis

pagina geschiedenis
Laatst gewijzigd door Gerritjan Koekkoek op 2022/01/04 10:22
Gemaakt door Gerritjan Koekkoek op 2022/01/04 10:22

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