
What does a person with MSS look like?

What does a person with MSS look like?

The appearance of a person with MSS is very distinctive. The chart below shows the external symptoms that are part of this syndrome. Please note that not everybody with MSS has all the symptoms mentioned.

Ogen bij MSS Eyes 

  • Shallow eye sockets;
  • larger protruding eyes;
  • long lashes;
  • the white of the eye has a bluish colour. 

  • The eyelids don’t completely cover the protruding eyes;
  • Glaucoma (a disease of the eye where the nerve in the eye is damaged by higher pressure in the eyeball, diminishing eyesight).

Hersenen bij MSS Head

  • Abnormal shape of the back of the head (either more flat or pointed).

Face with b MSS Face

  • Small, withdrawn chin;
  • small nasal bridge (part between the eyes);
  • larger forehead.

Feet with b MSS Feet

  • Flat feet;
  • position of the feet and toes is different: twisted;
  • shape of the toes is different: the underside is pointed.

Handen bij MSS Hands

  • Long fingers;
  • broad, round fingertips;
  • shape of the inside of the fingertips (pointed).

Teeth with MSS Teeth

  • Crooked teeth;
  • outward angle of the jaw;
Find andre sidder der deles de sammen emne som den side What are the symptoms?1
Senest ændret af Gerritjan Koekkoek den 2020/05/28 09:19
Oprettet af Gerritjan Koekkoek den 2020/05/28 09:19

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