
Problems with swallowing (feeding)

Difficulty swallowing (feeding) mssThroatIcon.png Because parts of the mouth and throat are formed differently, children swallow air with their food. A paediatrician films how food goed down by colouring the food (contrast fluid). This way the doctor can see where the food is and how quickly it goes down. When the doctor has determined where the problem exactly is and how serious it is, you will get the appropiate advice.
In some cases, the child will receive food through a tube in the nose (PEG-tube) or straight into the stomach (through a so called 'MIC-KEY button on the belly).
Trouvez d'autres pages qui partagent le même sujet que cette page. Which tests and treatments are available1
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Modifié par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2020/05/28 09:19
Créé par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2020/05/28 09:19

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