
Breathing difficulties

Breathing difficulties mssNoseIcon.png mssEatingIcon.png The opening in the back of the nose is narrow or even blocked(choanal atresia).

The paediatrician look at the airways on the inside using a tube with a camera. This test is performed under anaesthesia.

A temporary tube is inserted through the mouth (Mayo tube). There is also a long-term solution: a tube is inserted between the nose and the oesophagus (nasofayngeale tube) or a plate against the palate (Tubingen palate plate).
mssNoseIcon.png mssEatingIcon.png The breathing ways are severely blocked, making the oxygen levels in the blood drop.  There is also respiration through a temporary tube that is inserted through the throat (intubation). The doctor can then apply pressure to the lungs (CPAP). When this doesn't help, the doctor can make a permanent passage to the lungs. Access is in the throat (tracheotomy).
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Modificado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2020/05/28 09:19
Criado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2020/05/28 09:19

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