
Risk of overburdening

Risk of overburdening

Many parents or near ones of a child with MSS, feel they need to be strong and shouldn’t complain, let alone give up. But the amount of care you have to give and the responsibility you carry, are enormous. Because others often don’t have the knowledge and experience, it is hard to trust someone else with the care of your child. This might take so much time and effort, you could develop health problems yourself. Exhaustion, irritability and depression are common symptoms. It is important to get help as soon as you notice you are starting to get these symptoms. When you are not fit and healthy yourself, you cannot care for someone else. It could be an option to build a network of family and friends who can fill in every now and again. Simply by being a sympathetic ear or doing odd jobs. There are also professional care providers who can do this for you. From a social worker and domestic help to trained council workers and a psychologist. If you find it hard to figure out who can best help you in your situation, ask your general physician. He or she will know where to find the right kind of help.

Find andre sidder der deles de sammen emne som den side What does it mean for you as a carer?1
Senest ændret af Gerritjan Koekkoek den 2020/05/28 09:18
Oprettet af Gerritjan Koekkoek den 2020/05/28 09:18

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