
Nature and behaviour

Nature and behaviour

Children and (young) adults with MSS are very social people. They enjoy being around people they are familiar with.

Many children with MSS like motion games. Playing wildly is not always possible because of the physical disabilities (reduced muscle strength, brittle bones and delayed development of normal movement).

Tenacious behaviour is typical for children with MSS. They can be very persistent and also repeat certain behaviour. They can be very possessive of people, animals or toys. They often get attached to a specific toy.

Maladjusted behaviour doesn't occur very often. When a child does show difficult behaviour, it might be caused by a physical problem. A child's behaviour is often a good indicator of pain and fatigue.

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Ultima modifica di Gerritjan Koekkoek il 2020/05/28 09:19
Creato da Gerritjan Koekkoek il 2020/05/28 09:19

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