
#if ($ == 'Main')$services.localization.render('')#{else}$services.localization.render('', [$doc.plainTitle])#end

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:waihonaSyndromes.generic.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

$services.localization.render('', [$doc.plainTitle])

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:waihonaSyndromes.generic.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

#if ($ != 'Main')$services.localization.render('', [$doc.plainTitle])#{else}$services.localization.render('')#end

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:waihonaSyndromes.generic.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

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