
Treatment Protocols

At each age, individuals with CdLS have specific medical, educational and social needs. Each child progresses at his/her own rate, but parents can expect a slower than average rate of physical and cognitive development when compared to their child’s peers.

The information below helps parents make informed decisions about how to help their child through the stages of their lives.

Treatment Guidelines for Preventive Care

The treatment guideline sheet highlights routine care for people with CdLS at different ages, including infancy, early and late childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Diagnosis: Distinguishing FeaturesGrowthPsychiatric Evaluations
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)PubertyOphthalmology
Behavioural IndicationsGrowth HormonesVision 
Speech and LanguageDevelopmentHearing
Characteristics of Speech, Language, and HearingEducationOrthopedics
Augmentative and Alternative CommunicationFamily IssuesThe Role of Ultrasound in the Prenatal Diagnosis of CdLS 

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