Create a standard event (campaign)

You need to advertise your event! People need to be able to undertand what it is about? How can they participate? Is it Online or in a Venue? When is it scheduled?

Hosted by

You can create an event by navigating to the community page that you can find under meet us. When you login it should show you your community (see the setting in your profile, under community info ). But if not or you want to create an event for one of the other communities click on the hosting community (the group that organizes the event).

Are you a 'supporter' of the host?

On the page of the community, under Contact information of the community there should be a button Calendar of our events. When you click on iot it should show you the list of events that that community was involved with. If you are a supporter of that community, and you are member of Moderator, Global Moderator or Advisory you should see a Button/Form about creating a new event (Campaign)

Online or Venue

If you are creating an event (campaign) for a themeroom, self-study (questionairres) or something else on the website check Themerooms, otherwise check Meetings if it is about an event hosted in a Venue (you will be adding a Location to the event/Campaign)

Each of the two allows you to inform your audience about what you hope for as contributions?

Create the event

Give the Event a Unique ID (so it will not conflict with older events (for repeating things) and give it a nice title.
The click Build the Campaign

What will you get?

The standard Campaign will show your Visitor:

  • A banner with the Title and the first photo from the library linked to the hosting community
  • A section that displays: Where (online or Venue), When (not set yet) and the number of supporters (not set yet)
  • An empty section where you are expected to inform about the Approach.
  • A closing section with some nice pictures from the library of your community with our empowering slogans; Everybody is Unique, The value of the Smile and The power of Love


Beyond this guide but look at other guides;

  • you need to set a period for your campaign (minimal 1 day)
  • you need to set the Target page: for a themeroom this is the link to the themeroom
  • you can add some supporters, they can then be shown in a presentation Section
  • You can adjust the photo in the banner
  • You can add a short descrioption shown in the banner
  • you can add sections (or remove some),
    • like a Movie, 
    • A slide show of Citations of your community why they believe the event is important, 
    • A three photo section, 
    • Presenting the supporters of your event, 
    • A schedule (for the day, or multi-day event, we even support parallel sessions).

Over de inhoud van de website:


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