Our approach


We offer a platform to which communities around a rare disease can connect. Through our platform communities will help each other by sharing best practises. Also many of the complications in the disease are present in other diseases as well. Through our smart platform you can easily use the information provided by another disease and give it the details of your own disease.

We are a non-profilt organization and will always protect the interests of our communities. We do not sell or provide informations to any other organization as the ever growing list of connected communities.


Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web


Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

Envie um e-mail: wiki@waihonapedia.org