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Create / Maintain a questionnaire

The questionnaires are an special version of the standard wiki Data Applications (App-Within-Minutes).
They are created by a number of building blocks;

  • A class that describes the individual questions in a questionnaire 
  • A sheet that will create a nice form that you can fill in
  • A template that allows you to set some defaults, but must always be available
  • A translation that will create the readable questions in as many languages as desired
  • A space to contain all the questionnaire data of the families
  • A introduction where you tell the family about the goal of this specific questionairre

To achieve the nice and user-friendly design of the questionnaires you have to walk ste-by-step, from top to bottom . But don't worry, it is not that hard and I will help you in every way I can.

Not found a classSheet: false

Class properties

We will keep a index of all questionnaires of class tand02
By successfully creating a Sheet, Template and a Translation it is now time to create the introduction page
To do: we should create the introduction page and create a link to it

By successfully creating a Sheet, Template and a Translation you can test the questionnaire 

Create a new test questionnaire

Existing documents

The class sheets

The Sheet allows to control the presentation of documents of this data type. You can use the default presentation, which enumerates all the available fields, or you can design your own presentation. You can also choose different presentations for the viewing and for the editing modes.

View the sheet document (WaihonaCode.tand02Sheet) »

The translation

The Translation is the page used to translate the labels of the class into nice readable questions. It contains an instance of XWiki.TranslationDocumentClass (On demand)

View the translation (WaihonaCode.tand02Translations)

The class template

The Template is the document used as the model for documents of this data type. It contains an instance of your Class.

View the template document (WaihonaCode.tand02Template) »


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