WaihonaPedia supportside


WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l1=Has the mental development of your child ever been tested (for example by means of an IQ test)?
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_d3=At what age (in years, approximately) has the most recent test been done?
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_t4=I am not sure at what age the test was done
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_t5=My child has been tested and I am sure about the results
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_t6=The test results were
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_t7=Which test(s) has/have been used?
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_t8=If you do not have any test information about the mental development of your child, can you please estimate your child's current developmental age (in months or years)?
Do you know what the strong and weak points of the development of your child are?
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l9=How do you communicate with your child?
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l9_1=Almost only with words (verbally)
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l9_2=Almost only with gestures (non-verbally)
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l10= If non-verbally or both, which non-verbal ways of communicating do you use with your child?
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l10_2=Pictures and/or pictographs
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l10_4=Body language
WaihonaCode.qvoClass_l10_5=Speech computer/tablet

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Send en e-mail: wiki@waihonapedia.org