Strona wsparcia WaihonaPedia



Can not determine gender of your child, please update your personal information (profile)!{{/error}
<div class="formfield"  data-validate="required" data-skip="false,s24,b25,b28,t32"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_b23">The puberty has already started or already took place</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_s24">Can you please indicate what your child knows about the difference between boys and girls (you may give more thna one answer)</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_b25">Can you please describe characteristics of masturbation of your child, if he/she is doing so?</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_b28">Can you please describe the characteristics of your child&#39;s being in love and sexual activities (you may give more than one answer)</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_t32">Are there any other characteristics of your child&#39;s sexuality that we did not ask for? If yes, please mention these here</label>

<div class="formfield" data-validate="required" data-skip="false,t35"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_b33">Has your child ever been examined for abnormalities in the kidneys or bladder?</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_t35">If yes, in which hospital has your child been examined for abnormalities in the kidneys and bladder?</label>

<div class="formfield" data-validate="required" data-skip="false,b39,t42,t47,t50"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_b38">Did / does your child have any problems with his bladder and/or with urinary passages?</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_b39">If so, can you please describe the problems (you may give more than one answer)</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_t42">If the kidneys do/did not function properly, please describe here from what age this started to occur and how the function was/is</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_t47">If there are other kidney problems, please describe these here</label>

<div class="formfield"> 

<label for="WaihonaCode.qsaClass_0_t50">If there are other problems with regard to peeing, please describe these here</label>



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