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WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l1=Do you have any remarks about your child's hair of the head?
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2 =If yes, which descriptions describe your child's hair of the head (multiple answers are possible)?
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_1=My child has more hair of the head compared to other children
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_2=My child has less hair of the head compared to other children
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_3=My child has bald spots in his hair
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_4=The hair of the head grows relatively low on the forehead (a so-called low frontal hairline)
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_5=The hair of the head grows relatively low in the neck (a so-called low back hairline)
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_6=My child's hair of the head seems to grow faster compared to the hair of other children
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_7=My child's hair of the head seems to grow more slowly compared to the hair of other children
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l2_8=My child's hair of the head has a particular colour
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_t3=If the hair has a particular colour, could you please describe the colour below? If you have any other remarks about the hair of the head, please note them below.
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_b4=Do you have any remarks about the hair on your child's body?
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l4=If your child has more body hair, when did it first appear? (multiple answers are possible)
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l4_1=My child has more body hair since he/she was born
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l4_2=My child got more body hair later on
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_d5=If your child got more body hair later on, at what age did it start?
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l6=If your child has more body hair (from birth or later on), on which parts of the body?
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l6_1=All over the body
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l6_2=Mainly on the back and/or chest
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_l6_3=Mainly on the arms and/or legs
WaihonaCode.qhaClass_t7=If the hair grows elsewhere, or if you have any other remarks about your child's body hair, please describe this below

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