WaihonaPedia supportside


WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l1=Do you consider your child to have an unusual face (compared to his/her relatives)?
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l2 = If yes, what do/did you think about your child's face (you may give more than one answer)?
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l2_1=I thought the face was unusual when he/she was born
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l2_2=I thought the face was normal when he/she was born, but it gradually became more unusual
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l2_3=I have always thought the face was unusual
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l2_4=I find the face so unusual that I do not recognize the family likeness
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_l2_5=I find the face unusual but I do recognize the family likeness
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_d3=If you did not find the face unusual at first but you did later on, at what age did the face change?
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_t4=If you find the face very unusual, which characteristics are particularly unusual?
WaihonaCode.qgeClass_t5=If there are any other remarks about your child's face, please indicate these here

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