Strona wsparcia WaihonaPedia

qbmi Sheet

*positive vocalizations: e.g. laughing, giggling, “excited sounds” etc.
*engaged in activities: i.e. when someone is actively involved in any activity such as a mealtime, a social interaction, a self-care task or social outing etc.
*flat expression: expression seems lifeless; lacks emotional expression; seems unresponsive.
*facial expressions: interest might be indicated by the degree to which the person’s gaze is being directed at the person/things involved in an activity.
*engaged in activities: i.e. when someone is actively involved in any activity such as a mealtime, a social interaction, a self-care task or social outing etc.
*gestures which appear to demonstrate enjoyment: e.g. clapping, waving hands in excitement etc.
*vocalizations: any words, noises or utterances
Please feel free to make any additional comments about the behaviour of the person over the last two weeks:

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