Pagina di supporto di WaihonaPedia


Create / Maintain a questionnaire

The questionnaires are an special version of the standard wiki Data Applications (App-Within-Minutes).
They are created by a number of building blocks;

  • A class that describes the individual questions in a questionnaire 
  • A sheet that will create a nice form that you can fill in
  • A template that allows you to set some defaults, but must always be available
  • A translation that will create the readable questions in as many languages as desired
  • A space to contain all the questionnaire data of the families
  • A introduction where you tell the family about the goal of this specific questionairre

To achieve the nice and user-friendly design of the questionnaires you have to walk ste-by-step, from top to bottom . But don't worry, it is not that hard and I will help you in every way I can.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [Error number 9001 in 9: Access denied in edit mode on document xwiki:WaihonaCode.qabClass]. Click on this message for details.

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