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People with CdLS, like many people with mental retardation, are given to habits, mannerisms and stereotyped behaviors. They cannot be extinguished easily, however they are not a necessary, inevitable or immutable aspect of the syndrome. But they must be tolerated, at least to a degreeThere are two approaches to management: differential reinforcement of alternate or incompatible behavior; usually a question of engaging the child in an alternative behavior and gradually increasing the time he spends in an alternative behavior; and using the perseverative behavior as reward, a permitted recreation, and gradually reducing the time spent in itAs children mature and their repertoire of behavior increases, they should spend less time perseverating. Use redirection rather than confrontation. Good luck
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Bemærk venligst, at Spørg eksperterne-tjenesten består af frivillige fagfolk inden for forskellige områder. Svarene betragtes ikke som en medicinsk, adfærdsmæssig eller pædagogisk konsultation. Spørg eksperten er ikke en erstatning for den pleje og opmærksomhed, som dit barns personlige læge, psykolog, uddannelseskonsulent eller socialrådgiver kan yde.


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