Chiedi all'esperto

Intestinal malrotation

Per i genitori, gli assistenti, i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e gli insegnanti, sorgono spesso preoccupazioni e domande riguardanti la cura e il benessere degli individui con Cornelia de Lange syndrome. 

A small number of individuals with CdLS have been reported to have intestinal malrotation. This is an abnormality that can happen early in pregnancy when a baby’s intestines do not form into a coil in the abdomen.

Malrotation means that the intestines (or bowels) are twisted, which can cause a blockage. Intestinal malrotation may recur during infancy, childhood or puberty. 


Intestinal malrotation

Presentation of any abdominal symptoms in an individual with CdLS, irrespective of age, should prompt consideration of intestinal malrotation.
Evaluation for the presence of intestinal malrotation needs to be discussed and decided together with the family, balancing the potential gain in health and burden for the individual with CdLS.


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