
High calcium levels (hypercalcemia)


High calcium levels (hypercalcemia)

Blood calcium and urine calcium : creatinine ratio
Baby (Age: 0-1) Measure at diagnosis. Age appropriate normal ranges should be used. 5 – 10% of WS infants may require therapy for hypercalcaemia. If initial tests are normal, further testing need only be performed if symptoms develop. Renal ultrasound to exclude nephrocalcinosis.
Childhood (Age: 2-11) Blood calcium and urine calcium: creatinine ratio -> Measure at diagnosis. Age appropriate normal ranges should be used. 5 – 10% of WS children may require therapy for hypercalcaemia. If initial tests are normal, further testing should only be performed if symptoms develop.
During puberty Blood calcium and urine calcium: creatinine ratio. Test if symptoms suggest hypercalcaemia. If present, hypercalcaemia is likely to be due to an alternative diagnosis. Investigate and manage as appropriate.


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