
High calcium levels (hypercalcemia)


High calcium levels (hypercalcemia)

Blood calcium and urine calcium : creatinine ratio
Baby (Age: 0-1) Measure at diagnosis. Age appropriate normal ranges should be used. 5 – 10% of WS infants may require therapy for hypercalcaemia. If initial tests are normal, further testing need only be performed if symptoms develop. Renal ultrasound to exclude nephrocalcinosis.
Childhood (Age: 2-11) Blood calcium and urine calcium: creatinine ratio -> Measure at diagnosis. Age appropriate normal ranges should be used. 5 – 10% of WS children may require therapy for hypercalcaemia. If initial tests are normal, further testing should only be performed if symptoms develop.
During puberty Blood calcium and urine calcium: creatinine ratio. Test if symptoms suggest hypercalcaemia. If present, hypercalcaemia is likely to be due to an alternative diagnosis. Investigate and manage as appropriate.


Find andre sidder der deles de sammen emne som den side What assessment and treatments are recommended?1



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