
Bladder and kidneys

Kidney function may be impaired due to a narrowing (stenosis) at the level of the renal artery (blood vessel to the kidneys). Kidney problems sometimes manifest as early as childhood and are said to be more frequent in hypercalcemia (excessive calcium levels). One of the consequences of possible renal dysfunction is the development of hypertension (high blood pressure). In adolescents and young adults with WBS, hypertension is diagnosed in 1 in 2 people. Regular monitoring of kidney function and blood pressure is therefore necessary.

Other common problems include:

  • bladder diverticles (bulges of the bladder wall)
  • Repeated urinary tract infections
  • prolonged bedwetting and frequent urination in later life.
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Page history
Last modified by Gerritjan Koekkoek on 2024/05/20 12:12
Created by Gerritjan Koekkoek on 2020/05/15 17:38



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