
General physique

The general physique of individuals with WBS is also quite typical. They have a narrow chest, a fairly long neck and drooping shoulders. They are often born small, indicating a mild growth retardation during pregnancy. Birth weight is usually slightly below average. 

Post-natally, this growth retardation continues and in the first year of life, you already see growth below the norm (about 75% of the normal rate). Around toddler age, which sets in early in WBS patients, the growth retardation usually recovers somewhat. The average height of an adult with WBS is about 10 cm less than that of a ‘normal’ person and usually reaches values between 150 and 160 cm.

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Modificado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2024/05/20 11:33
Criado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2020/05/15 17:38


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