
Hypersensitivity to stimuli

One of the characteristics of individuals with WBS is the vulnerability of their stimulus processing, also called sensory information processing. Many individuals with WBS are stimulus-sensitive, but also stimulus-seeking. 

They need a certain amount of stimuli to feel comfortable. They therefore use active strategies to look for stimuli. However, they quickly slip into this and their alertness is often increased. As an example, see the purple line in Figure 1. A low trigger threshold for sound is well known. Some sounds can be perceived as very painful by persons with WS. Alertness also increases rapidly as a result.

Stimulus hypersensitivity is not limited to (loud) sounds, but can also occur with changes in diet (e.g. from bottle-feeding to solid food), changes in (daily) routine, etc. 

Furthermore, many individuals with WS have difficulty walking down stairs, curbs and changing surfaces. This is related to the processing of balance stimuli. There is often a more sensitive reaction to these. There are often sudden tantrums. Increased alertness is more likely to cause frustration and tantrums. Highly heightened alertness causes stress and may result in fight reactions. Most individuals with WS have difficulty concentrating, they are easily distracted. They see and hear everything; all this information crosses the low stimulation threshold. Also known are separate fears and (sometimes) obsessions. These increase with increased alertness. Regular illness and physical complaints also affect alertness and stimulus processing. It is important to keep this in mind. Sleep problems also affect alertness and stimulus processing. Stimulus thresholds go down and there will be an even more sensitive response to sensory information, thus increasing alertness.


Figure 1.


Znajdź inne strony, które mają ten sam temat co ta strona Behaviour2
Marly Vosters
Marly Vosters


Historia strony
Ostatnio modyfikowane 2024/05/20 13:02 przez Gerritjan Koekkoek
Utworzone 2020/05/15 17:37 przez Gerritjan Koekkoek
translated by Lonneke Voets


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