
Very friendly and very social

Children with WBS are usually very friendly and very social. 

They have an extroverted nature and like to receive attention. They easily seek contact with others, especially older people and adults. They do this with both acquaintances and strangers. They are often overly open, direct and personal in their communication with others, without recognising the ‘normal’ social barriers (e.g. hugging or kissing strangers). 

On the other hand, they are very sensitive: even light teasing can make them very confused. Forming friendships with peers is often somewhat difficult because their oversocial behaviour is not always well understood or appreciated. This can lead to problems. 

It is therefore advisable to contain this behaviour from an early age. Even in later life, people with WBS often struggle to build and maintain friendships. This may be due to their need for continuous attention, their impulsiveness and their developmental and learning difficulties.

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Ultima modifica di Gerritjan Koekkoek il 2024/05/20 12:38
Creato da Gerritjan Koekkoek il 2020/05/15 17:37


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Nature and personality


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