
Motor development

The motor development of children with WBS is delayed and in some ways impedes intellectual development. This applies to both gross and fine motor skills. As early as the first year of life, one quickly notices problems with gross motor skills. Rolling over, sitting, standing, crawling and walking come more slowly. Movements are slower, there are balance problems and the coordination and differentiation of movements are less good. Characteristic is the problem with regard to orientation of self and objects in space. Judging distance and direction is difficult. This makes cycling, for example, a difficult if not impossible task for most. Gross motor skills are further complicated by joint stiffness. Sometimes they tiptoe due to an achilles tendon that is too short at heel level. They experience problems climbing stairs and taking thresholds. 

Fine motor skills are also a problem. Tying knots is often not feasible for these children. Neither is cutting with scissors or even holding a pencil or pen - which reduces their writing abilities. A typewriter or computer can help. Dressing and undressing independently requires not only good fine motor skills but also planning of activities. Both contribute a lot of energy to teaching them this. Especially in later life, they have a slow pace. In addition to the motor problems described here, they often show overactivity at a young age. This can be disruptive to those around them, but usually disappears later in life.

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Última modificación por Gerritjan Koekkoek el 2024/05/20 12:26
Creado por Gerritjan Koekkoek el 2020/05/15 17:38



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