

Many people with WBS react with exaggerated anxiety to unexpected situations and changes in their daily routine. Changes in their supervision or in the tasks they perform can upset them. They may also be particularly anxious about the moods of others, their own health and all sorts of imagined disasters. In some cases, this can manifest as hypochondria. About half of children have a specific phobia, for example fear of heights, fear of uneven surfaces and of certain (loud) noises. Almost a quarter have generalised anxiety disorder.

Encuentre otras páginas que compartan el mismo tema que esta página Insecuriy and Anxiety4

NVWBS theme ‘anxiety’

Historial de la página
Última modificación por Gerritjan Koekkoek el 2024/05/20 13:25
Creado por Gerritjan Koekkoek el 2020/05/15 17:37
translated by Lonneke Voets


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