

With breathing problems during sleep, it could help to have the child lie on his or her side. This way the airways have more room. Sleeping on a beanbag or special pillow can help the child to lie in this position by him or herself.
When breathing suddenly stops during sleep, it can help to pick the child up and stroke its back. This often helps to start up the breathing again.
For some parents using equipment at home to monitor the child's heartrate and oxygen levels during sleep, is comforting and gives them a sense of security. Discuss this with your doctor. Some insurance companies will reimburse this.
Trova altre pagine che condividono lo stesso argomento di questa pagina As parents/carers, what can you do yourself?2
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Ultima modifica di Gerritjan Koekkoek il 2020/05/28 09:19
Creato da Gerritjan Koekkoek il 2020/05/28 09:19



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