WaihonaPedia support page

Existing wiki macro definitions

Name (id)DescriptionVisibilityMacro page
Font Awesome icon (icon)Inserts a Font Awesome iconCurrent WikiMacro for inserting Font Awesome icons
WaihonaPedia Partner organizations (waihonaPediaPartners)Show partner organizations for a WaihonaPedia PartnerCurrent WikimacroWaihonaPartners
Space Index (spaceindex)Lists documents in a space.Current WikiSpace Index
overviewGroupEvents (overviewGroupEvents)This macro will show a overview of events organized by a supportgroup
You need to pass a parameter with the code of the group
showEventSupporters (showEventSupporters)This macro will, when inside a tree of a campaign, show the supporters for that campaignGlobalshowEventSupporters
bannerImage (bannerImage)This macro will display the specified image (optionally with pageRef) at 100% widthGlobalbannerImage
showCollectionOfTiles (showCollectionOfTiles)This macro will show a collection of tiles providing you specify the macro at least one timeGlobalshowCollectionOfTiles
Example (example)Shows an example and its source code.Current WikiExampleMacro
userDisplayer (userDisplayer)Current WikiUserDisplayerMacro
Add Page (waihonaAddPage)This macro that will put a "create page button" with option to set Space and PageCurrent WikiaddPage
badge (badge)Globalbadge
Job Progress (jobprogress)Provide a UI to follow asynchronous job progressionCurrent WikiJob Progress Macro
galleryOfPhotosNew (galleryOfPhotosNew)This macro will show a gallery of Photos. By feeding it with an array of descriptions each photo can have a captionGlobalgalleryOfPhotosNew
Date makeup from class object (makeNiceDate)Macro for changing a string value date from a class object (even if it's encapsulated in a HTML macro) to an arbitrary made up date. Inline use: {{makeNiceDate fieldName='[Class property name, example 'dateFrom']' formatOut='[Date format, standard set to 'd MMM YYYY']' className='[Class name, example: 'testCode.testClass']' objectName='[Name of the object that contains the date, example 'test.test1']' /}} Located at: 'WaihonaMacros.makeNiceDate'GlobalMacro: makeNiceDate
Service label (serviceLabel)This macro will show a label for one of the WaihonaPedia services.Globalservice Label Macro
Show country flag (flag)Show an image of the country specified in the parameter countrycode. The image has the class 'flag'. Additional parameter is the size (square) of the image.Current Wikiflag
showPagesFromCollections (showPagesFromCollections)This macro requires a page-reference and it will get the objects of class pageCollection. For each object it will create a list of tilesGlobalshowPagesFromCollections
Accordeon for waihonapedia (waihonapediaAccordeon)The macro will read objects of a class on the current page and present a set of forms that can be collapsed or opened (Accordeon)
You can specify the fields of the class that will generate view-only controls and a button that will open a sheet based edit mode of the subform 
Current UserCreate a Accordeon from objects on a page
Header for research pages (researchHeader)This macro will show if the user is participating with research or otherwise will invite the user to participateGlobalA macro to create the research Header
Page Navigation (sticky) (pageNavigation)This macro will show a one-level Table of Content of the current page.
It will offer smooth rolling to any header of the selected level
Globalpage Navigation Macro
LiveValidationCustom (livevalidationCustom)Validates a XObject property value using a custom remote XWiki document that should returns "true" when valid or "false" when not valid, based on the field value and the property reference.Current WikiLiveValidationCustom macro
Workspaces (workspaces)Deprecated macro that should not be used, here for compatibility reason. Please use the "wikis" macro instead.Current WikiLegacyWorkspacesMacro
showSupportGroupsTable (showSupportGroupsTable)This macro will show a tablethat lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displaying geographies names (e.g. countries), the logo, the name by supportgroup nameGlobalshowGroupsTable
Contact Information for supportgroup (supportGroupContactInfo)This macro will present Contact Information of a supportgroupGlobalsupportGroupContactInfo
Notifications Auto Watch Preferences (notificationsAutoWatchPreferences)Current WikiNotificationsAutoWatchPreferencesMacro
Show latest news items (latestNewsItems)This macro will show the latest news items for a given supportgroup
GlobalShow the latest news
showCampaignSupporters (showCampaignSupporters)GlobalshowCampaignSupporters
Share page (shareon)Share the page on social media.GlobalShareButtonsMacro
JW Player (jwplayer)The JW Player is an open-source embeddable media player for web sites, supporting many commonly-used audio and video formats. The player is easy to configure, customize and extend.Current WikiJW Player
Blog Post Layout Link (blogPostLayoutLink)This macro is used to display a blog post as a simple linkCurrent WikiBlogPostLayoutLink
Tree (tree)Displays a tree hierarchy defined by the macro content or the source parameter.Current WikiTree Macro
Activation image with callout on the left (activationImageLeft)This macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobalA macro that generates a image that can be used in Social Media
Export research data to CSV (exportResearchToCSV)This will take all questionnaires within a research and export it to a CSV (Comma separated) File in your download folder on your computerGlobalExportResearchCSVMacro
playVideoTile (playVideoTile)A tile with Video image as header and text from a page specified.GlobalplayVideoTile
Livetable (livetable)Shows results of a query in a livetableCurrent WikiLivetable Macro
Collapse content (collapseBS)This macro will ask for a title and some content
It will render a button that will show the content when clicked.
after clicking it will push the content below down to create space for the content to be shown
GlobalWaihonaPedia Collapse macro
generalHealth (generalHealth)This macro will present a list of Health attention points for a given diseaseGlobalgeneralHealth
pageGalley (pageGallery)This macro will display a Gallery of images attached to current pageGlobalpageGallery
navBarForBlog (navBarForBlog)This macro can be used in description of a blog. It will use the available space to add a NavBar with optionally a search optionGlobalnavBarForBlog
Video (video)Display in your wiki page any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Google Video or Vimeo.

Also play a video attached to your wiki page using Video.js library. mp4, webm and ogv formats are supported.

The video macro can also plays a DASH video (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP).|Current Wiki|Video Macro

topic navigation (topicNavigation)This macro will present a navigation area where the selected topic (it's title) and the entity (information, questions, stories) you are browsing.

If you do not supply a topicKey (optional, default) it will look for a topicKey, based on the entity selected on your current page|Global|topicNavigation

useTitleOfPage (useTitleOfPage)Specify a reference of a page and get the title in plain Text to use in your contentGlobaluseTitleOfPage
callToAction (callToAction)GlobalcallToAction
Show text from personal information (showPersonal)THis allows you to write text and merging your personal information like the name of your child in your text
Note that if others will read your text the personal information of the reader is used!
showDream (showDream)This macro will visualize a dream specified in a WaihonaPedia format.GlobalshowDream
CitationBox Macro (cbox)This is a generic macro that allows a styled "citation" box around wiki content.
Current WikiCitationBox Macro
waihonapediaUserList (waihonapediaUserList)This macro will pick X users from this wiki's users and present them as a set of thumbnails.
For ach user it will show:
  • Foto
  • Role in context (optional, depending on context or param)
  • Name of the user
  • Descriptive in context (# nr of shared...) (optional, depending on context NOT on Param)
  • Relation (e.g parent of child or doctor at hospital) (optional, depending on context or param)
3 Thumbnails (3thumbnails)This macro will make a row of 3 images that can each have a caption, a smal text and a button to link Current Wikimacro3thumbnails
Document Tree (documentTree)Displays the tree of XWiki documents.Current WikiDocument Tree
layerItemBasicSearch (layerItemBasicSearch)This macro creates an item in a layer for homePageType.

When used outside this context it will create a title, description and a search option|Global|layerItemBasicSearch

User Mention (mention)Insert a user mention.Current WikiMentionsMacro
Menu (menu)Displays a menu created using simple wiki syntax (nested lists and links).GlobalMenu Macro
Update classObject without reloading page (clientSideUpdate)Update classObject without reloading page.Current WikiclientSideUpdate
Font Awesome icon (icon)Inserts a Font Awesome iconGlobalMacro for inserting Font Awesome icons
Show recommendations for a topic (showRecommendations)This Macro shows the recommendations for a topicGlobalshowRecommendations
campaignScheduleOverview (campaignScheduleOverview)This macro will show the parts of the programGlobalcampaignScheduleOverview
showSubCentresOfExpertise (showSubCentresOfExpertise)This macro will show a list of centre of expertise based on decreesGlobalShow centres, based on a list of DocRefs
Age Displayer (agedisplayer)Displaying age dataCurrent UserAgeDisplayerMacro
Create questionnaire header in table format (questionnaireHeaderNew)Creates a columnheader for the questionnaire. The only parameter is a comma seperated list of items to be placed in the columnheader, from left (first) to right (last).Current WikiQuestionnaireColumnHeaderNew
addStoryButton (addStoryButton)This macro will add a button that will help you to write a introduction story about your WaihonaGlobaladdIntroductionStoryButton
PDF Checkbox (pdfcheckbox)Works only with xsl:fo customizations. See CDLSCode.PDFTemplate:xhtml2fo.xsl .Current WikiPDFExportCheckboxMacro
supportGroupLeaders (supportGroupLeaders)Show the community representatives, experts and volunteersGlobalsupportGroupLeaders
dimTopicText (dimTopicText){{include reference='WaihonaMacros.dimTopicText'/}}GlobaldimTopicText
blockScheduleManagement (blockScheduleManagement)This macro will show the program in lowest level of detail (called 'blocks')
Each block will be planned under a certain day of a certain campaign-part
Each block will have a time slot that is linked to the 'start' of the day
Each Block can have a chair and one or more supporters (can be a speaker)
Each Block will have a title and a description
You can add specific blocks for Breaks of Dinner
showCitationsSlider (showCitationsSlider){{include reference='WaihonaMacros.showCitationsSlider'/}}GlobalshowCitationsSlider
Message Sender (messageSender)A control that allows users to enter messages that are handled by the MessageStream module.Current WikiMessage Sender Macro
Emoticon Macro (emo)Inserts an emoticon into the content.Emoticon Macro
Export research data to Print (exportResearchToPrint)This will take all questionnaires within a research and export it to a Print formatted HTML page.GlobalExportResearchPrintMacro
showGroupsHTMLTable (showGroupsHTMLTable)This macro will show a tablethat lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displaying geographies names (e.g. countries), the logo, the name by supportgroup nameGlobalshowGroupsHTMLTable
sectionDivider (sectionDivider)Add a Section divider to a page.

It will create a clear separation between two page sections|Global|sectionDivider

Recent Polls (pollsrecent)Displays the N most recent polls.Current WikiRecentPollsMacro
Notifications System Filters Preferences (notificationsSystemFiltersPreferences)Display the preferences of the given user about system notification filters.Current WikiNotificationsSystemFiltersPreferencesMacro
Transform a table into Json (tableToJson)A table allows normal users to structure information into columns and rows
This structure can be input for data analysis or visualization and on WaihonaPedia we standardize on Json
Create questionnaire header (questionnaireHeader)Creates a columnheader for the questionnaire. The only parameter is a comma seperated list of items to be placed in the columnheader, from left (first) to right (last).Current WikiQuestionnaireColumnHeader
showRoleInOrganisation (showRoleInOrganisation)GlobalshowRoleInOrganisation
Blog Post Layout Full (blogPostLayoutFull)This macro is used to display a full blog postCurrent WikiBlogPostLayoutFull
Show CdLS association logo (showCdLSAssociationLogo)Show CdLS association logo with association name as tooltip. The only parameter is a 2-character language code (NL,ES,EN).Current WikishowLogo
showUsersWithExpertiseNetwork (showUsersWithExpertiseNetwork)This macro show all the waihonapedia users within a network of orgs associated to a diseaseGlobalshowUsersWithExpertiseNetwork
upgrading (upgrading)This macro will show a message that something is being upgradedGlobalupgradeMacro
upgrading (upgrading)This macro will show a message that something is being upgradedGlobalupgradeMacro
showNavigationButtons (showNavigationButtons)This macro will show the buttons (if any) that are placed in memory by the macro 'addNavigationButton'GlobalshowNavigationButtons
Partner organizations (waihonaPartners)Show partner organizations of a support groupCurrent WikiRendering macro that will show logo's
Activation image with callout on the left (activationImageLeft)This macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobalA macro that generates a image that can be used in Social Media
Activation image with callout below the image (activationImageCentre)This macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobalA macro that generates a image that can be used in Social Media
textOfQuestionairre (textOfQuestionairre){{include reference='WaihonaMacros.textOfQuestionairre' /}}GlobaltextOfQuestionairre
FAQ (faq)Lists FAQ entriesCurrent WikiFAQMacro
Wikis (wikis)List all wikisCurrent WikiWikisMacro
waihonaHomeRedirectNotApproved (waihonaHomeRedirectNotApproved)This will display a computed homescreen based on the User. E.g: it will display different screens for guest, notApproved, etc
It will under certain conditions redirect
Current WikiMacro used to redirect new user when not yet approved
LiveValidationFormat (livevalidationFormat)Validates that XObject property value against a regular expression.Current WikiLiveValidationFormat Macro
Children (children)Displays a tree of children pages of the current pageCurrent WikiChildren Macro
Icon Picker (iconPicker)Select an icon within the XWiki icon set.Current WikiIcon Picker Macro
manageSpeakers (manageSpeakers){{include reference='WaihonaMacros.manageSpeakers'/}}GlobalmanageSpeakers
threeImagesCampaign (threeImagesCampaign)Campaigns have the option to add a layer with 3 images (specify in the campaign page)

If your page has NO campaign Object you can specify the three images below...|Global|threeImagesCampaign

campaignStart (campaignStart)GlobalcampaignStart
Notifications Filters Preferences (deprecated) (notificationsFiltersPreferences)Display the preferences of the current user about notification filters.
This macro is now deprecated in favor of Custom Notifications Filters Preferences or System Notifications Filters Preferences.
Current WikiNotificationsFiltersPreferencesMacro
$macroObject.get('name') ($macroObject.id)$macroObject.description$macroObject.visibility$macroDocument.getDisplayTitle()
showUserWithCitation (showUserWithCitation)This macro will Showa nice Citation for One userGlobalshowUserWithCitation
User profile (userprofile)Displays basic information for the specified user by section.
Also contains a tooltip-like menu with 3 actions:
 - edit profile (viewable by admin only)
 - view profile
 - delete profile (viewable by admin only)
Current WikiUserProfileMacro
Show latest news items (latestNewsItems)This macro will show the latest news items for a given supportgroup
GlobalShow the latest news
eventSupporterIndex (eventSupporterIndex)This macro will show a index of users that support a campaign (event)GlobaleventSupporterIndex
createCitationsStructure (createCitationsStructure)A macro to create and maintain a citation structure displayed in a Caroussel displayerGlobalcreateCitationsStructure
WaihonaPedia Cards Blog Post Layout (blogPostLayoutWaiCards)This macro is used to display a blog post using the 'Cards' layoutCurrent WikiWaihonaPedia BlogPostLayoutCards
includePrivatArticles (includePrivatArticles)This macro will display a Privat articleGlobalincludePrivatArticles
Saved List Exporter Application (savedlistexportapp)This application allows to export multiple pages into a single XAR archive file, and to save the list of the pages that you want to export.Current WikiSaved List Exporter Application
Back to Parent (backToParentInStickyBar)This will generate a button in the sticky bar of WaihonaPedia that will have a link to the parent-page (in a nested page-setup)Globalback Button In Sticky Bar
showAccordeonFromPages (showAccordeonFromPages){{include reference='WaihonaMacros.showAccordeonFromPages'/}}GlobalshowAccordeonFromPages
showSearchForm (showSearchForm)By specifying two page references (obligatory) this macro will show a search-bar with a explanation
- Specify the Search-config-page
- Specify the text explaining the search
Gdpr settings (gdprSettings)Get what kind of cookies the current user has consented to. (preferences, statistics or marketing)Current WikiScript
Blog Post Create (blogpostcreate)The Blog Post Create macro is used to insert a post creation form. The macro takes a blog descriptor document as parameter. The new blog posts will belongs to the blog specified in the parameter.Current WikiBlogPostCreate
Show modal dialog (showModal)Show a modal dialog that must be closed before continue
Based on standard Bootstrap Modal
textToLead (textToLead)This macro will style;e the contained text as 'lead-text', especially useful as a introduction to your article!GlobaltextToLead
Show memberships (memberDescr)Current WikimemberDescr
topic navigationDemo (topicNavigationDemo)This macro will present a navigation area where the selected topic (it's title) and the entity (information, questions, stories) you are browsing.

If you do not supply a topicKey (optional, default) it will look for a topicKey, based on the entity selected on your current page|Global|topicNavigationDemo

overviewBySupportGroup (overviewBySupportGroup)This macro will show a list of supportgroeps and for each group how many families and/or experts have joined this WaihonapediaGlobaloverviewBySupportGroup
layerItemBasicLink (layerItemBasicLink)This macro creates an item in a layer for homePageType.

When used outside this context it will create a title, description and a button that will navigate to linkReference|Global|layerItemBasicLink

Blog Post Layout Compact (blogPostLayoutCompact)This macro is used to display a full blog post in a compact modeCurrent WikiBlogPostLayoutCompact
getLikers (getLikers)Return the likers of a reference.
target - the reference being liked.
offset - the start offset for pagination.
limit - the limit of results for pagination.
a list of user references who liked the reference.
Notifications Custom Filters Preferences (notificationsCustomFiltersPreferences)Display the preferences of the given user about custom notification filters.Current WikiNotificationsCustomFiltersPreferencesMacro
includePublicQuestion (includePublicQuestion)This macro will display a Privat articleGlobalincludePublicQuestion
Activity (legacy) (activity)Provide a macro implemented with the Notifications Application to keep a backward compatibility with Activity Stream.Current WikiActivityMacro
Tag Cloud (tagcloud)Displays the cloud of tags in this wiki or in the specified space, if any.Current WikiTag Cloud
 (deeplTranslation)Current WikiDeepLTranslationMacro
decoratedTile (decoratedTile)A decorated tile with header and text from a page specified. You can make it clickable so it can serve as a navigation PanelGlobaldecoratedTile
livetable (livetable)Displays a standard livetable for a specific XWiki class and the chosen fieldsCurrent WikiLiveTable Macro
LiveValidationConfirmation (livevalidationConfirmation)Validates that XObject property value match another field of the form.Current WikiLiveValidationConfirmation Macro
Waihona Attachment Selector (waihonaAttachmentSelector)A control to be used for object properties of the current document that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) document. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target document.  If no target document is specified, the current document will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current document.Current WikiAttachment Selector for Waihona Pedia
Waihona Attachment Selector (waihonaAttachmentSelector)A control to be used for object properties of the current document that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) document. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target document.  If no target document is specified, the current document will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current document.Current WikiAttachment Selector for Waihona Pedia
showCentresOfExpertise (showCentresOfExpertise)This macro will show a list of centre of expertiseGlobalShow centre of expertise Macro
addSubTitle (addSubTitle)This macro allows an author to add subTitles to a page titleGlobaladdSubTitle
campaignButtons (campaignButtons)This macro can only be used in combination with a campaignObjectGlobalcampaignButtons
Blogs Livetable (blogs)The blogs macro is used to list on a livetable all the blog available on the wiki Current WikiBlogsLiveTable
showGroupEventButtons (showGroupEventButtons)This will offer moderators a option to add events on behalf of their communityGlobalshowGroupEventButtons
pageInBox (pageInBox)The macro will allow you to show the first part (or a summary) of a page in a boxGlobalpageInBox
Add Conversion button (showConversionButton)Macro will set array of object that will cause a display of button in the menu-barGlobalshowConversionbuttonInMenu
Show slider (showSlider)This macro will take a page reference and show attached images as a slideshow. There will be a generic label overlaid on the imagesGlobalshowSlider
createVideoLayer (createVideoLayer)This macro can create a page structure that can be viewed as a 'Video' block on a pageGlobalcreateVideoLayer
iconDecoratedTile (iconDecoratedTile)This macro will show a tile decorated with the icon you specify (Font awesome)GlobaliconDecoratedTile
Cards Blog Post Layout (blogPostLayoutCards)This macro is used to display a blog post using the 'Cards' layoutCurrent WikiBlogPostLayoutCards
showVideoTilesAsJourney (showVideoTilesAsJourney)GlobalshowVideoTilesAsJourney
LiveValidationPresence (livevalidationPresence)Validates that XObject property value is present (ie. not null, undefined, or an empty string)Current WikiLiveValidationPresence Macro
show meta information of the page (showPageMetaInfo)GlobalshowPageMetaInfo
numberDecoratedTile (numberDecoratedTile)This macro will show a tile decorated with the number you specifyGlobalnumberDecoratedTile
Notifications (notifications)Current WikiNotificationsMacro
showMetaTopics (showMetaTopics)Show the 'Topics' assigned to this page, allowing the user to read more 'alike' pagesGlobalshowMetaTopics
$macroObject.get('name') ($macroObject.id)$macroObject.description$macroObject.visibility$macroDocument.getDisplayTitle()
Documents (documents)Displays a list of documents in a LivetableCurrent WikiDocuments Macro
pdfviewer (pdfviewer)PDF Viewer based on Mozilla pdf.jsCurrent WikiPDF Viewer Macro
Welcome Screen (WelcomeScreen)This macro is used to display the Welcome Screen for new users. The macro visibility is Global and it can be used on any page on this wiki. The macro does not define any parameters.GlobalWelcome Screen Macro
XCarousel Macro (xcarousel)Display a carousel.Current WikiXcarouselMacro
show BreadCrumb for Navigation (showBreadCrumbNavigation)Macro will allow to generate a breadcrumb for easy navigating Globalshow BreadCrumb for Navigation
Blog post list (blogpostlist)The BlogPostMacro is used to search and display blog posts based on some parameters, the results can be displayed using customizable templates.Current WikiBlogPostList
galleryOfPhotos (galleryOfPhotos)This macro will show a gallery of Photos. By feeding it with an array of descriptions each photo can have a captionGlobalgalleryOfPhotos
Notifications Email Preferences (notificationsEmailPreferences)Display the preferences of the current user about notification emails.Current WikiNotificationsEmailPreferencesMacro
infoFPersonWithSyndrome (infoPersonWithSyndrome)This macro allows to insert friendly text about person with syndrome to write personalized text
- Name
- First Name
- Syndrome
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- page
- Avatar photo file
GlobalWiki rendering macro to get information about PWS
LiveValidationEmail (livevalidationEmail)Validates that XObject property value is a valid email address.Current WikiLiveValidationEmail Macro
Notifications Applications Preferences (notificationsApplicationsPreferences)Display the preferences of the current user about notification applications.Current WikiNotificationsApplicationsPreferencesMacro
Configure the classname for the usericon (iconClassname)This macro configures the classname for use with the icon bitmap. The only parameter is gender (male/female)Current WikiiconClassname
Spaces (spaces)Displays all the spaces in this wiki.Current Wikiindex.spacesMacro.title
showPageAsTile (showPageAsTile)This macro will show a page reference as a tile. GlobalshowPageAsTile
Add a ?  button to page header  (addNavigationButton)Macro will set array of object that will cause a display of button in the page headerGlobalshowNavigationInPageHeader
getTextbyClass (getTextbyClass)Get Paragraph from a page that is marked with a classGlobalgetTextbyClass
closingBeauty (closingBeauty)Show a nice section with three images with text overlays to inspireGlobalclosingBeauty
greetUser (greetUser)This will greet the user in a informal way with first nameGlobalgreetUserMacro
Attachment Selector (attachmentSelector)A control to be used for object properties of the current document that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) document. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target document.  If no target document is specified, the current document will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current document.Current WikiAttachments
$macroObject.get('name') ($macroObject.id)$macroObject.description$macroObject.visibility$macroDocument.getDisplayTitle()
Blog Post Layout Image (blogPostLayoutImage)This macro is used to display a full blog post with a thumbnail imageCurrent WikiBlogPostLayoutImage
query (query)Shows results of a query in a tableCurrent WikiQuery Macro
LiveValidation (livevalidation)Provides client-side live validation of a single XObject based on the validation expressions and messages defined in its XClass.Current WikiLiveValidation Macro
Textbox with two qualifiers (textWithQualifiers)This text box allows to specify if the text is validated and for which regions the text is checkedGlobaltextWithQualifiers

About the website contents


All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

Send a email: wiki@waihonapedia.org