Pregunte al experto

Prenatal Diagnosis

 Para los padres, cuidadores, proveedores de atención médica y profesores, a menudo surgen preocupaciones y preguntas sobre el cuidado y el bienestar de las personas con Pitt-Hopkins syndrome. 

What is the chance of recurrence of a child with PTHS if a child is born with PTHS in a family? How can this be determined reliably in a subsequent pregnancy?

Recomendación (es)

Prenatal Diagnosis


R6 Prenatal testing should be offered to families in which the diagnosis of PTHS in the index patient is molecularly confirmed.


R7 Prenatal testing for PTHS outside of a known familial genetic alteration remains challenging due to the current difficulty in interpreting reliably all variants that will be obtained. Use of this type of testing as a screening method is not recommended at the present time.

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