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Scoliosis surgery


What is your experience with scoliosis surgery? 

Answer of our experts

Parent 1.
Our daughter was operated when she was 12 years old ans we are very satisfied with it. The operation lasted 7 hours. Soon after she got an infection, probably from her diaper use. She had another surgery to clean her wound. Recovery went well after that. For the first 2 days she could only lie down, because of the morphine. Then she could slowly sit and stand. She has grown 7 cm in one day!

(Parent of 18 year old daughter)

Parent 2. 
Our son had 'grow rod' surgery at the age of 6 years old. He was seen every 6 months to have the rods lengthened. When his growth plates in his bones closed at age 11, he had a full posterior fusion of his spine from bottom T3 to bottom of spine. We worked with a group of doctors who specialize in Spine surgery. If possible, get a second or third opinion before making a final decision. We are very happy with the results from these back surgeries.

(Parent of 35 year old son)

Parent 3.
Our son had surgery when he was 8 years old. It lasted 3-4 hours and he was in ICU for only a few hours. Recovery went very well. However since his spine was straightened, he found it difficult to balance. I think that's just him though. He now uses a wheelchair as he cannot weight bear anymore. Before the surgery he could walk short distances and get up from a chair etc. His ankles, knees and hips were in a bent position to compensate for the kyphosis. From a recovery point it was very quick. There were no complications with surgery. 

He has also subluxation of his left hip. A new development is that his head leans over to the left almost at 90 degree angle. This causes him much pain.

(Parent of a 13 year old son)

Parent 4.
Longest day of my life when my son had surgery. His surgeon chose to do a rod and fusion so he only had one surgery. Recovery was well but it took about one year before he was back to his old self. The surgery improved and extended his quality of life for sure!
(Parent of a son)

Parent 5.
We decided not to have scoliosis surgery. The team involved in my son's medical side were concerned about the impact of the long surgery and long recovery period in his case, on his general long term health. The spine team is very much a carpentry matter: Fix the bone. But we also had to look at the bigger picture. In our case, we even wondered if he would survive being under anesthesia for so long. We took into account his small size and how much taller he would be and opted not to have surgery. Unless in the future, when the curve would impact negatively on his internal organ space or cause him to be double bent. Instead he wore a brace. Sometimes doctors advise surgery when the child is too young and that can limit the little physical growth they may have. However, I do appreciate that each child's case is different and my reasons for not allowing this surgery may not be appropriate reasons for other parents.

(Parent of a child who died aged 18)

Parent 6.
Our daughter was operated when she was 4 years old, now she is 8. The surgery lasted 7 hours and we were in ICU for 10 days. Two of those days sedated with morphine. Every year she goes into the operating room to lengthen the bars. When it reaches its full growth, they will do a definitive surgery to fix the bars and screws. It is a quite traumatic surgery but it is the best thing we have done.

(Parent of 8 year old daughter)

Parent 7.
Our daughter was operated at 13 years old (end of growth). Professor Vialle at Trousseau Hospital in Paris: 4 hours only! We are delighted over scoliosis and kyphosis. The compressed lung has regained its full capacity. Two days of resuscitation, followed by 3 days in intensive care as planned for appropriate monitoring. Three-week follow-up in a rehabilitation center. The following year he straightened her 2 shins in 2 hours. The radiologist had never seen this before: a tree with 3 branches and the other with 4 branches! (her shins had deformed as she grew in an arc ...). She returned home 2 days later. I recommend this extraordinary teacher all over the world.
She had a physiotherapist to regain her balance. However, she had a dislocation and subluxation of the hips which keeps her in a sitting position. She will transfer from one chair to another or from her bed to the chair. In the pool she rolls despite all that.   

(Parent of 19 year old daughter)

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