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What is your experience with scoliosis surgery (recovery, complications, results)? 

Answer of our experts

Parent 1

A. was operated in 2015 when she was 12 years old. We are very satisfied with it. Her operation lasted for 7 hours. Soon after she got an infection, probably from her diaper use and she had to have another surgery to clean her wound. Recovery went well after that. For the first two days she could only lie down because she was given morphine and then she could slowly sit and stand. She has grown 7 cm in one day!

(Parent of a 18 year old daughter)

Parent 2

S. had surgery in 2016, when he was 8 years old. It lasted 3-4 hours and he was in ICU for only a few hours. Recovery went very well. However since his spine was straightened, he found it difficult to balance and now uses a wheelchair as he cannot weight bear anymore. Before the surgery he could walk short distances and get up from a chair etc. His ankles, knees and hips were in a bent position to compensate for the kyphosis. Once his back was straight he couldn’t balance himself anymore. I think that’s just S. though. From a recovery point, it was very quick. There were no complications with surgery. 

(Parent of a 13 year old son)


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