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Height and Weight


At what age do our kids stop growing and what is the normal height and weight of our kids?

Answer of our experts

1. Our daughter is 155 cm with a fixed back (scoliose surgery). She weighs 51 kilos. 

(Parent of 18 year old daughter)

2. My son just had a hand X-ray which showed approx 13-14,5 years old (he is 12). They expect him to grow until bone age of 16. On the 5 places they read the bone age, his were very consistent (hence the 13-14,5 age range).  When he had this done at the age of 7, it showed a bone age of 12. I was surprised that he still had so much growth left.

(Parent of 12 year old son)

3. My daughter is 145 cm and 36 kilos at the age of 18. It has been since she was 14.

(Parent of 18 year old daughter)

4. My son stopped growing taller when he was 12 years old, 53 inches and approx 65 pounds. He is now 34 years old and remains 53 inches and a bit heavier at 75 pounds. 

(Parent of 34 year old son)

5. My daughter had a skeletal age of 14 years at the age of 8. She stopped growing when she was 12-13 years old. Now she is 25, approx 135 cm and she weighs 40 kilos. She has severe kyfoscoliosis, no surgery possible.

(Parent of 25 year old daughter) 

6. Our daughter stopped growing with 14/15 years. She is 140 cm. All MSS children are smaller, but it also depends on the genes.

(Parent of  16 year old daughter)

7. Our daughter is currently 131 cm tall and 38 kg.

(Parent of 13 year old daughter)

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