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Can certain diets improve behavioral issues? My son’s neurochiropractor suggests the use of diet (i.e. eliminate wheat and dairy) to assist in neurological development (including improvements in behavior). Most of his patients are autistic but he has found that certain diets have a profound effect on other individuals as well. Have there been any studies done on children with CdLS and diets?

Antwoord van onze experts

There has been a lot of research showing a benefit of a gluten-free diet in a child with autism. (Gluten is the generic name for certain types of proteins contained in wheat, barley and rye.) To the best of my knowledge there has not been any study done on a child with CdLS and the benefits of a gluten-free diet. I have met with the families of children that have been put on a gluten-free diet by their doctor and the reviews have been very mixed with the majority saying that they did not see a benefit. That is not to say that it may not be effective for your child's behavior. A good resource for a gluten-free diet would be the Celiac Disease Foundation at 818-990-2354 or celiac.

There are many children with CdLS that have a lactose intolerance (the carbohydrate in milk) and a smaller portion that has an intolerance to the protein in milk and would need to avoid all dairy. Those with a lactose intolerance cannot tolerate milk but can tolerate small amounts of dairy products made from milk such as cottage cheese, cheese, and yogurt. You can try a lactaid milk or a soy milk to avoid lactose. Symptoms of intolerance would be abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, cramping, and gas. If your son is experiencing any of these symptoms then this could affect his behavior. It may be worth a try to avoid these products and see if his behavior changes. If you do avoid the intake of dairy products, I would make the extra effort to ensure that he is receiving enough calcium for growth. Foods high in calcium include: salmon, tofu, almonds and beans as well as many fortified products such as breakfast cereals, cereal bars, waffles, juices, soy milk, etc.

JR/TK 7-13-10

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Voedings- en tandproblemen

Bij elk individu met CdLS met langdurige en ernstige voedingsproblemen, dient een multidisciplinaire beoordeling (door zorgverleners vanuit veel disciplines) gemaakt te worden, waarbij (tijdelijke) plaatsing van een voedingssonde (via operatieve opening van het abdomen naar de maag) overwogen moet worden als toevoeging aan orale voeding.
In individuen met CdLS die bij herhaling luchtweginfecties hebben, moeten reflux en/of aspiratie (inademen van vreemde voorwerpen in de luchtwegen) uitgesloten worden.
Het gehemelte moet zorgvuldig onderzocht worden na de diagnose CdLS. Indien er sprake is van symptomen van een (submucosaal) gespleten gehemelte, is verwijzing naar een specialist voor verdere beoordeling geïndiceerd.
Tandheelkundige controle en reiniging dienen regelmatig plaats te vinden; een grondiger onderzoek of behandeling onder narcose kan nodig zijn.

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