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Site Map

The structure of this website and who is responsible for the content

StructureContentWho with what role is responsible for contentWhere is it?
Home pageOn the homepage we are welcoming you as visitor. This page is basically a collection of links to other area's of interest. Since it mostly structured as code it can only be changed by administratorsGerritjan Koekkoek (Administrator)Home page 

What is CdLS

This area contains a number of sub-area's. It will give the visitor general information about CdLS.Ulla Mugler
 (World federation
What is CdLS?
* Characteristics of CdLSA overview of features by which CdLS can be recognizedUlla Mugler
 (World federation
Characteristics of CdLS
* Diagnosis of CdLSHow to diagnose CdLS and more around diagnosisUlla Mugler
 (World federation
Diagnosis of CdLS
* Treatment ProtocolsWhat are appropiate treatment protocolsUlla Mugler
 (World federation
Treatment Protocols
*  How to move on?Guidance for organizing your life with CdLS, get support, build your networkUlla Mugler
 (World federation
How to move on?
*  Frequently Asked Questions]]Much raised concerns/questions around CdLSUlla Mugler
 (World federation
Frequently Asked Questions

*  Information For ProfessionalsContent more suited for professionals in (health)careUlla Mugler
 (World federation
Information For Professionals
* CdLS Research Find research, conducted, in progress and plannedUlla Mugler
 (World federation
CdLS Research
Who we are?Short structure of the World federation, it's mission and people. Also a link page to substructuresUlla Mugler
 (World federation
Who we are?
* The federation Which member associationsUlla Mugler
  (World federation
The federation
*  What we do? Which activities are conducted by the federaton and it's membersUlla Mugler
  (World federation
What we do?
* get connectedHow can you (be) connect(ed) to other people, supportgroups and start your personal CdLS networkUlla Mugler
  (World federation
*  about this siteThis page plus a page with instructions to use this site, how does multi-language work...Gerritjan Koekkoek
About this site
 News and storiesThis is area is different for all members of the federation; most members do offer in some style this kind of information; the federation will offer mostly links to... but can also offer a structured area (like the NL group)Ulla Mugler
  (World federation
News and Stories
* Experience storiesStories about experiences with person having CdLSUlla Mugler
  (World federation
Experience stories
*  contact othersBlogs about how to get involved, which activities are going on (like the worldUlla Mugler
  (World federation
Contact others...
*  NewsLatest news around the CdLS.Ulla Mugler
  (World federation
New CdLS information
Ask the ExpertIn close collaboration with the 'same' USA service we collect questions and answers into the international database. These questions and answers will be translated by supportgroups delivering this database in multiple languages. Also different regional protocols are supportedUlla Mugler/ SAC
  (World federation
Ask the Expert service

Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web


Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

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