Quality of life of the child and the family
From 'health as absence of disease' to 'positive health with six dimensions'.
In the case of people with disabilities who also have a mental disability, it is very important to keep things in perspective and not to be negatively overwhelmed by the limitations. When is this person happy and how can we as a family get a positive feeling about the 'being' and the 'future' of our child/brother or sister? And in addition, it is just as important for us to feel good about ourselves, whoever feels good can also take care of someone else!
Results from the research of Huber
The new concept of health (positive health)focuses on the human being, not the disease.
- People are called on by their strength and not by their weakness.
- Maybe someone has a diagnosis of a disease, but there is a very large area where he or she is healthy.
- That health can be further strengthened.
Positive health consists of six dimensions: body functions, mental wellbeing, the spiritual-existent dimension, quality of life, social participation and daily functioning. These six main dimensions are subdivided into 'aspects'.
body functions
- Medical observations
- Experienced health
- Physical functioning
- Complaints and Pain
- Energie
Daily functioning
- Basic General Daily Life functions (GDL)
- Instrumental GDL
- Working/Participation capabilities
- Health skills
Mental well-being
- Cognitive functioning
- Emotional state
- Self-esteem and self-respect
- Sense of control, manageability.
- Self-management and own direction
- Resilience, ability to deal with problems
- Understand your situation, comprehensibility.
- Zingeving, 'meaningfulness'
- Doelen of idealen nastreven
- Toekomstperspectief
- Acceptatie
Kwaliteit van leven
- Kwaliteit van leven, welbevinden
- Geluk beleven
- Genieten
- Ervaren gezondheid
- Lekker in je vel zitten
- Levenslust
- Balans
Sociaal-maatschappelijk participeren
- Sociale en communicatieve vaardigheden
- Sociale contacten
- Betekenisvolle relaties
- Geaccepteerd worden
- Maatschappelijke betrokkenheid
- Betekenisvol werk