Federatie WaihonaPedia

un lugar para ver, hablar, aprender y compartir!!


What is WaihonaPedia?

WaihonaPedia is a well-secured online platform that supports patient organizations in managing their community. It is your ultimate solution for individuals with rare diseases and their families. It provides a safe environment for sharing information, organizing peer support, arranging contact with experts, and documenting accumulated knowledge and experience.

Join our international community today and experience the power of connection and knowledge-sharing!


WaihonaPedia offers global online communities where people can connect around issues that impact them while living with a rare condition.


We build up knowledge by gathering, sharing and preserving information and experiences to improve the quality of life of people around a rare condition.


WaihonaPedia is a safe meeting point where you can meet others like you. Learn from and support each other. 

WaihonaPedia for Communities




Discover a new way of working that optimizes the sharing of information, organizing peer contact, and preserving acquired knowledge. 



Supporting your community through our platform will save you time, money and efforts. Refocus on what really matters: your members!



Benefit from working together with others. Learn from each other and use each others knowledge to strengthen your own community. 

WaihonaPedia for families



Your Story

Tell us your story. Sharing stories helps families feel supported and creates a sense of community. Your story is important for all of us!



Discover a community of like-minded people and find support along your quest. Otherwise, start a community of your own - we'll help you. Either way, you are not alone!



Become an active member of your community. Share, discuss, ask questions and contribute. Everyone knows something, together we know everything!

Nuestra comunidad Mundial

There are many people living with rare conditions that impact your well-being. This raises specific questions, such as: "Is treatment/healing possible, what does this mean for care and support or where can I get (financial) help?". This information is often difficult to find or not appropriate to personal circumstances.

Participación Mundial

Comunidades: 14

Países: 33

Personas: 492

Condiciones: 22

Centros expertos: 16

Nuestros amigos

Nuestra visión

Together for Rare

We can improve the quality of Life enormously by sharing our experiences!Watch the dreams of Linda, Ingrid and Gerritjan

Si está interesado en descubrir cómo puede ayudarle WaihonaPedia,

por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico.

o por teléfono (+31) 6 57 72 94 39

Sobre el contenido del sitio web


Toda la información contenida en este sitio web tiene únicamente fines educativos. El lugar para obtener consejos médicos específicos, diagnósticos y tratamientos es su médico. El uso de este sitio es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo. Si encuentra algo que cree que necesita ser corregido o aclarado, por favor háganoslo saber en: 

Envíe un correo electrónico: wiki@waihonapedia.org